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things get really personal here at ivy line design. from wedding and party invitations, custom illustrations, hand lettering, and branding services, i will help you create a design that is a reflection of your personality.

Botanical Illustrations for Stationery Design

Included in this collection are to previous designs including an illustration of a monarch caterpillar feasting on a milkweed plant and a Helenium Autumnale, also known as the beautiful Common Sneezeweed. Acchoo!.

Included in this collection are to previous designs including an illustration of a monarch caterpillar feasting on a milkweed plant and a Helenium Autumnale, also known as the beautiful Common Sneezeweed. Acchoo!.

Hello all!

In the beginning of October, right after I moved to West Virginia, I was able to take a week off and visit friends in California. During that visit my friends convinced me to hike the trail to Half Dome in Yosemite national park. I knew it would be beautiful out there, but I didn’t realize how much of a life changing experience those 12 hours would end up being for me.

John Muir had once said that “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” I can’t say exactly what I expected to find out there in the Yosemite Valley- beauty, inspiration, a break from Covid, or perhaps some instagram worthy photos. But I received those things and more! It’s been over a month since I was out there and I’m still floating from that experience.

As a result of pushing myself to the limits physically, I’ve realized that I’m able to conquer any challenge as long as I have the right mindset. Spending all that time in nature has also sparked my imagination and got me out of the rut I was feeling.

As of late I’ve been on a kick of creating botanical and animal illustrations. Creating them allows me feed my curiosity about plants and animals, get lost in the details of a painting, and experiment with vivid colors. So in order to share some of my favorite recent creations I decided to create art greeting cards.

Here are a few of my most recent pieces:

Eastern Bluebird perched upon a leafless Winterberry bush.

Eastern Bluebird perched upon a leafless Winterberry bush.

Earthy Grass of Parnassus Botanical painting.

Earthy Grass of Parnassus Botanical painting.

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
— John Muir

{Hygge} Illustrations for a Cozy & Content Lifestyle

Painting Ordinary Things | "Girls are Filthy" series